Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
Canadian National/Wisconsin Central
General Committee of Adjustment

N6380 Church Road
Brandon WI 53919
Phone: 920-346-2906

Welcome to the CN/Wisconsin Central General Committee of Adjustment of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (IBT).
Who We Are: The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen exists to promote and protect the rights, interests,
and safety of its members through solidarity, aggressive representation and education.
Site Goals: To keep the membership informed.
Established: December 4, 1997
Appleton, Wisconsin
General Committee News Ticker Click underlined text for more information on the story

August 14, 2024 Lake Barrington IL – Union One Open Enrollment Period
Union One has opened a new open enrollment period for Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, and Life Insurance with Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage. Enrolling is Easy: Members can enroll online at All coverages are guaranteed approved during Open Enrollment, so there are not medical questions and Members cannot be denied. For additional assistance by phone, Members can call Union One at (224) 770-5307. More information can be found on Union One’s website at:

April 2, 2024 Brandon WI – Tentative Agreement
Please click the link above to view the Tentative Agreement or the links below to view the Tentative Agreement or Agreement synopsis. More information to come via your Division about this Tentative Agreement.
Tentative Agreement
Tentative Agreement Synopsis

October 13, 2023 Lake Barrington IL – The new BLET Hospital Confinement Plan
We are pleased to announce that the NEW BLET Hospital Confinement Plan, underwritten by Sun Life, is now open for all eligible Members of the BLET to enroll in.What Is Hospital Confinement Insurance? This important benefit provides benefits due to hospital stays for covered accidents or sickness (including pregnancy/newborn complications, and substance abuse). These benefits pay in addition to any other coverage you may already have and are paid directly to you.Accident (ACC) Coverage also available: During this Open Enrollment, BLET Members can also enroll in the BLET Accident Insurance plan. This coverage helps offset out-of-pocket costs associated with medical treatment resulting from accidents, and pays in addition to the Hospital Confinement benefit. Enrolling is Easy: Members can enroll online at All coverages are guaranteed approved during Open Enrollment, so there are not medical questions and Members cannot be denied. For additional assistance by phone, Members can call Union One at (224) 770-5307.

August 17, 2023 Brandon WI – Letter and information from Chairman Hau regargding new benefit for CN/WC BLET members
I am pleased to inform you the BLET CNWC GCA has recently put in place new benefits for all active dues paying members. These benefits are paid for with GCA funds and therefore ALL members have access to them effective August 1, 2023. More specifically, our GCA has partnered with ComPsych Guidance Resources to offer all members and their families five (5) free face to face counseling visits per calendar year. Whether it be you the member, your spouse, or your children, each dues paying BLET CNWC GCA member now has access to counseling services (outside of the CN’s knowledge or involvement) for any reasons you and/or your family may find beneficial. I’ve attached a one-page document that provides more detail of the services offered through our partnership with ComPsych. Should you need to schedule an appointment, or if you desire to learn more, you can call them directly and provide the following information.

Additionally, we have furthered our partnership with Prudential, who serves as the underwriting insurance company for our GCA Voluntary Life Insurance and Short and Long-Term Disability insurance provider, to now offer all members Financial Wellness services as well. Whether you participate in the GCA Life and Disability plan or not, ALL active dues paying members now have access to a full suite of financial wellness resources. These resources include monthly seminars that you can log into or view seminars on topics that were previously recorded. Attached is a Prudential Financial Wellness Brochure which contains much more detailed information. Soon, I will follow up this email with an email containing the topics and dates of upcoming seminars.
Click here for the complete letter from General Chairman Hau.
Click here for the ComPsych Flyer.
Click here for the information from the wallet card.
Click here for Prudential Financial Wellness Brouchure.

March 28, 2023 Brandon WI – Letter and information from Chairman Hau regargding Inward Camera Discipline
Please see the attached charges and 30-day suspension (level 3) waiver currently against one of our Members. As suspected, the Carrier is cracking down hard on alleged cell phone use and allegedly attempting to cover an IFC. It is of utmost importance to immediately understand the Carrier is actively monitoring these cameras and is now taking harsh action for alleged violations.

September 15, 2022 Independce OH - BLET, SMART-TD reach tentative agreement with railroads
Early this morning following nearly three years of bargaining, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), a Division of the Rail Conference of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and the Transportation Division of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers (SMART-TD) reached a tentative National Agreement with the nation’s largest freight rail carriers which includes wage increases, bonuses, and no increases to insurance copays and deductibles. For the first time our Unions were able to obtain negotiated contract language exempting time off for certain medical events from carrier attendance policies. Our Unions will now begin the process of submitting the tentative agreement to the rank and file for a ratification vote by the memberships of both unions.

August 19, 2022 Independence OH – PEB 250 Information for Membership
Please see the link above to view PowerPoint slides containing a joint synopsis from the BLET National Division and SMART Transportation Division.

January 21, 2022 Brandon WI - 2022 Engineer's Roster Posting
Attached is the Engineer seniority roster updated to: January 2022
Director, Labor Relations
Canadian National Railway
17641 South Ashland Avenue
Homewood IL 60430
is the Company Officer designated to receive protests as specified in Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Locomotive Engineers. Protests must be sent by certified mail. Protests that have previously been submitted and declined will not be accepted.
Click Here to read the Carrier Notice
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster

October 2020 LMRC notes from General Chairman Hau
LMRC notes have been released. Click the above link to view. 11/14/2020

November 14, 2020 G - REEF ACT Tell your Senators to support bill S.4860 to end RRB benifit cuts
The Teamsters Rail Conference and the Transportation Trades Department (TTD) of the AFL-CIO are urging leaders of the United States Senate to support legislation (S. 4860) that would end the unfair cuts to Railroad Retirement Sickness and Unemployment benefits, known as sequestration.

May 7, 2020 Brandon WI - Furlough update from General Chairman Hau
According to the Company, this upcoming weekend we are going to see another round of furloughs of approximately 40 Conductors and 30 engineer setbacks(or furlough for those w/o conductor seniority). The Company projects/hopes this will be the last round of cuts but everything does depend on traffic volumes.

April 23, 2020 Independce OH - Hau elected CN-WC General Chairman
Brother Eric A. Hau was elected by acclamation to the office of General Chairman at the Canadian National-Wisconsin Central General Committee of Adjustment’s quadrennial meeting on April 21, 2020. The meeting was a first of its kind in the history of the BLET, as it was not held in person but “virtually” through online video conference technology.

January 20, 2020 Independce OH - National Negotiations Website
The BLET National Division has launched a new webpage — — to provide important information to affected members regarding the current round of National Negotiations.

January 10, 2020 Green Bay WI - 2020 Engineer's Roster Posting
Attached is the Engineer seniority roster updated to: January 2020
Director, Labor Relations
Canadian National Railway
17641 South Ashland Avenue
Homewood IL 60430
is the Company Officer designated to receive protests as specified in Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Locomotive Engineers. Protests must be sent by certified mail. Protests that have previously been submitted and declined will not be accepted.
Click Here to read the Carrier Notice
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster

January 7, 2019 Green Bay WI - December 2019 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the December 2019 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

December 18, 2019 Green Bay WI - 2019 General Chairman Reports
Please see the below links to review the 2019 General Chairman Reports
November 2019 General Chairman Report
October 2019 General Chairman Report
September 2019 General Chairman Report
August 2019 General Chairman Report
July 2019 General Chairman Report
June 2019 General Chairman Report
May 2019 General Chairman Report
April 2019 General Chairman Report
March 2019 General Chairman Report
February 2019 General Chairman Report
January 2019 General Chairman Report

November 13, 2019 Oshkosh WI - From Chuck Schulz WISLB - CN System Bulletin Notice No. 33 (Switch Test)
I inquired with the FRA about “System Bulletin Notice No. 33” and did express many concerns and aspects of this "New Switch Test" introduction on the CNRR. A few of these issues were, visibility night or day, placement of the flag, physical aspects of the flag itself, and if this test meets requirements of FRA Regulations.

According to the FRA Standards, all aspects of this test do met their requirements. This is submitted as a "Switch Test" and not a "Stop Test" so, at night it does not have to be illuminated (fusee). This test can be performed in "Rule 520" or at Restricted Speed but, can not be placed where the switch has an indicator on it (example; hydro switches).

Per the regulations, CNRR has to submit any "Efficiency Test" in writing to the FRA and is not required to submit them for approval. Please keep in mind the difference between these two requirements. If this test is not being performed per “System Bulletin Notice No. 33 or photo illustration”, please let me know at your earliest convenience.


Chuck Schulz, BLET Wisconsin State Legislaitve Board Chairman

November 7, 2019 Green Bay WI - Update regarding CN/WC Contract Negotiations
CN-WC BLET Local Chairmen
CN-WC BLET Members

This message, is in connection with my earlier email to you, of September 13, 2019 (see below, trailing email).

Attached, you will find:
1). A copy of this General Committee’s Section 6 Notice and Attachment “A”, which was served upon CN-WC Management, on November 1, 2019.
2). A response from Director of Labor Relations, Mr. Tom Sullivan, concerning National Bargaining Notice, also dated as November 1, 2019.
3). A letter from our National BLET President Pierce and the National Section 6 Notice, also dated November 1, 2019.
4). A letter to President Pierce, from this General Committee, dated November 7, 2019, giving our BLET National President Pierce, our authorization to negotiate on behalf of this Committee.
5). A response received today, November 5, 2019, received at 9:34 AM EST, from NCCC / Arlington, Virginia, concerning our Section 6 Notice served upon the Company.

What all of this information means to the BLET membership on the WC is that CN has elected to assign its negotiating authority (for IC and GTW as well) to the NCCC in Washington, DC. In turn, we have assigned our negotiating authority to the National Division, with National President Pierce having the authority to negotiate for our property. As a result, all further negotiations conducted regarding our Section 6 notice will be conducted nationally. In the meantime, our Schedule Agreement is maintained under the status quo provision of the RLA, and will only be changed to the extent any agreement reached at the national level does so.

You will be given further updates, as they are provided to this office.

Fraternally and sincerely,

John W. Reynolds
General Chairman, CN/WC
CN/WC Section 6 Notice November 1, 2019
CN/WC Section 6 Notice Attachment A November 1, 2019
Response from Director Labor Relations Tom Sullivan November 1, 2019
Dennis Pierce regarding National Section 6 November 1, 2019
National Carrier Conference Section 6 Notice November 1, 2019
BLET CN/WC Letter to Pierce to Authorize the National to negotiate on behalf of this Committee November 7, 2019
Response from National Carriers Conference regarding BLET CN/WC Section 6 November 5, 2019

October 11, 2019 Lake Barrington IL - Open-Enrollment is NOW OPEN for the CNWC Voluntary Group Insurance Plan!
This is a FULL open enrollment for ALL Wisconsin Central members. During this open-enrollment all members can add coverage previously declined and ALL members are eligible to enroll in Life Insurance up to the guaranteed issue maximum amount of $200,000 with no medical questions asked! Members may also add their spouse and children to their life insurance elections if they have not previously done so. When open-enrollments ends on October 31, 2019 all coverage elections will be underwritten by Elips Life Insurance Company (elipsLife) and will be guaranteed for the next three years (until November 1, 2022).

There are new Short-Term and Long-Term disability options available, so all members are encouraged to call Cornerstone (224) 770-5307 to get their questions answered and for assistance enrolling/renewing via telephone. If you are currently enrolled and do not actively renew your benefit elections you will be automatically enrolled in the benefit options that most closely mirror your current premium and benefit elections, and those coverage’s will become effective on November 1, 2019. Renewing your benefits, adding benefits or enrolling for the first time is easy and can be done over the phone by calling Cornerstone at (224) 770-5307, or you can enroll online at

September 13, 2019 Green Bay WI - Update, regarding contract negotiations
On Wednesday, September 11, 2019, I and Vice Chairman Hau met with President Pierce and our BLET General Counsel, Mike Wolly, at BLET Headquarters, in Independence, Ohio.

We discussed, the upcoming round of bargaining.

We let President Pierce know, that the Carrier informed me, verbally, they plan on being at the National Table, instead of on-property, for this upcoming round of bargaining. As of this time, I have received nothing officially in writing on this from Carrier, other than, just some verbal talk.

In the meantime, unless we get something officially in writing, I will be serving the Carrier, with our on-property Section 6 Notice, on or after November 1, 2019.

After we serve our Notice, it will then be sort of, a wait-and-see-game, to determine if the Carrier will actually go National Handling, as they verbally stated to me, or instead, continue negotiating on-property, as we have in the past.

However, at this juncture, we remain in a holding pattern, to see in which direction, the Carrier officially/actually will go, regarding this round of bargaining.

As you well know, it’s not unusual, for this Carrier to change its mind.

You’ll be further advised, as future developments unfold, as information is received in this General Committee office.

In solidarity,

John Reynolds, CN-WC General Chairman

September 3, 2019 Stevens Point WI - Updated contact information for Division 174 Union PLD/SDV Requests
Please see the above linked posting for new contact information when Division 174 members request a Union PLD/SDV.

August 8, 2019 Independence OH - Mobilization Message - Teamster 2020 Survey to Identify Top Issues
BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce encouraged all BLET members to go to and fill out the survey to let union leaders know what their thoughts are going into the 2020 election.

July 31, 2019 Oshkosh WI - Wisconsin State Legislative Board Chairman Report for June/July 2019
Please click the above link to view the June/July 2019 BLET Wisconsin State Legislative Board Chairman Report

July 29, 2019 Green Bay WI - July 2019 LMRC Notes Released
Please click the above link to view the July 2019 LMRC Notes

July 29, 2019 Green Bay WI - Kory Hansen new Critical Incident - Mobilization Coordinator
I am pleased to announce and welcome Brother Kory Hansen as the newly appointed Critical Incident Director – Mobilization Coordinator to our General Committee. This appointment is effective July 29, 2019. Brother Hansen is replacing Brother Gordy Hill. I would like to thank Brother Hill for his hard work and dedication during his time as Critical Incident Director – Mobilization Coordinator to our General Committee.

July 29, 2019 Green Bay WI - Claims Tracking System Upgraded
This is to advise you that the GCA has updated our website ( so you can track your claims through the appeal process. I would like to thank you for your patience during this process as it is ongoing maintenance.
Click Here to view the Claims System Guidlines

January 8, 2019 Green Bay WI - 2019 Engineer's Roster Posting
Attached is the Engineer seniority roster updated for January 2019
Director, Labor Relations
Canadian National Railway
17641 South Ashland Avenue
Homewood IL 60430
is the Company Officer designated to receive protests as specified in Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Locomotive Engineers. Protests must be sent by certified mail. Protests that have previously been submitted and declined will not be accepted.
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster

December 28, 2018 Green Bay WI - Tentative Agreement Ratified
Please click on the above link to view the Ratification Results letter.

November 28, 2018 Green Bay WI - Tentative Agreement Reached
Please click on the above link to view the agreement package.

January 30, 2018 Independence OH - Inward Facing Cameras Claims and Arbitration Award
See the above link and following links regarding claims and Arbitration Award relating to Inward Facing Cameras.
January 30, 2018 Letter from BLET National President Pierce.
Special Board of Adjustment Arbitration Award.

January 13, 2018 Green Bay WI - 2018 Engineer's Roster Posting
Attached is the Engineer seniority roster updated to: January 12, 2018
Director, Labor Relations
Canadian National Railway
17641 South Ashland Avenue
Homewood IL 60430
is the Company Officer designated to receive protests as specified in Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Locomotive Engineers. Protests must be sent by certified mail. Protests that have previously been submitted and declined will not be accepted.
Click Here to read the Carrier Notice
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster
Click Here to read the BLET CN/WC General Chairman Notice
Note these rosters were updated on 01/18/2018 to correct errors from DWP Prior Rights and Engineer Promotion class dates.

January 6, 2018 Green Bay WI - December 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the December 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

January 6, 2018 Green Bay WI - November 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the November 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

December 8, 2017 Green Bay WI - Section six update - Survey Results
Please see the above linked letter regarding the May 25, 2017 Membership Survey.

November 13, 2017 Green Bay WI - October 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the October 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

October 29, 2017 Green Bay WI - September 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the September 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

October 24, 2017 Green Bay WI - Carrier Disipline Policy
Please see the above link to view a notice from the General Chairman concerning the Carriers new discipline policy.

September 11, 2017 Green Bay WI - August 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the August 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

September 5, 2016 Barrington IL - Cornerstone Insurance Enrollment Extended to September 14, 2017
Dear Local Chairmen and Union Officers,
Due to the large call volume from members looking to enroll, we will be providing a final open enrollment extension until next Thursday, September 14th.
Please help us spread the word to your members to call our office at (847) 387-3555 to get enrolled at their earliest convenience. Thank you for your support and please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Ethan Boucek
Account Executive
Cornerstone Benefits Management

August 29, 2017 Green Bay WI - July 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the July 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

July 26, 2017 Lake Barrington IL- Cornerstone Open Enrollment
CNWC Members,

Open-Enrollment for the CNWC Voluntary Group insurance plan (underwritten by Principal) is now open! Now is the time you can increase your life insurance elections, add coverage your previously declined and/or increase your disability income or benefit options. Open-Enrollment will close on August 31st 2017 and all elections made during open-enrollment will become effective on September, 1st 2017.

It should be noted that this is simply an open-enrollment. No changes to the plan or rates have been made. We are still under rate guaranteed for our existing policy until August 1, 2019. This open enrollment is simply the time to make changes if you wish. If you are happy with your current elections and don’t need to make changes then you can simply do nothing and your current elections will remain in effect.

It is recommended that all members (whether participating or not) call Cornerstone (847) 387.3555 to learn about your options during this open-enrollment. While participation is voluntary and the individual choice of each member, the more members we have participating will help the overall long term sustainability of the policy, while at the same time giving more members income protection benefits. Your health and ability to earn an income are the most important assets you have. Our General Committee group insurance policy was put in place seven years ago to help protect our members and their family’s way of life if they were unable to work due to disability or death. Since that first policy seven years ago, many millions of dollars have been paid to our members and their families when the unfortunate occurred, and while this coverage is not right for all members, our goal is for all members to be well informed and to make an educated decision whether to participate or not.

All questions should be directed directly to Cornerstone (847) 387.3555. Member can enroll or make changes over the phone by calling Cornerstone.

Click here for the open enrollment flyer
Click here for detailed plan information
Click here to be directed to Cornerston's website

July 19, 2017 Green Bay WI - BLET Town Hall Meeting September 7, 2017 Roselle IL
Please see the above link regarding a BLET Town Hall Meeting in Roselle IL all BLET Members are invited to attend.

July 20, 2017 Independence OH - Public Law Board 7425 Award 61, Electronic Devices
Please see the above link for more information regarding Personal Electronic Device use.

July 19, 2017 Green Bay WI - BLET Town Hall Meeting September 7, 2017 Roselle IL
Please see the above link regarding a BLET Town Hall Meeting in Roselle IL all BLET Members are invited to attend.

July 18, 2017 Green Bay WI - June 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the June 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

May 31, 2017 Green Bay WI - Upcoming Bargaining Round
Brothers and Sisters,

You should be receiving a letter from this office concerning your GCA’s up-coming bargaining round with the Carrier. Attached to the letter is a survey asking you to rank the five issues you would most like to see addressed in the upcoming round. Your opinion is very important to the GCA. We will consider this information carefully as we draft our Section 6 notice.

PLEASE take the time to fill out and return the survey. A self-addressed, stamped envelope is included for your convenience. This survey is an opportunity for you to express what is important to you. If you do not receive this information, please contact this office or your Local Chairman for a copy. Once the information from the surveys is compiled, the GCA will post the results and keep you up-dated as we get closer to beginning our Section 6 negotiations.

Looking forward to reviewing your survey responses and thanking you in advance for participating in your Union.

John W. Reynolds General Chairman, CN/WC

February 21, 2017 Green Bay WI - January 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the January 2017 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

February 9, 2017 Green Bay WI - 2017 Engineer's Roster Posting
Attached is the Engineer seniority roster updated to: January 4, 2017
Director, Labor Relations
Canadian National Railway
17641 South Ashland Avenue
Homewood IL 60430
is the Company Officer designated to receive protests as specified in Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Locomotive Engineers. Protests must be sent by certified mail. Protests that have previously been submitted and declined will not be accepted.
Click Here to read the Carrier Notice
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster
Click Here to read the BLET CN/WC General Chairman Notice

January 24, 2017 Green Bay WI - December 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the December 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

December 23, 2016 Green Bay WI - Proctor A439/L567 Call Agreement
See the above link for updated calling procedures for assignments A439/L567 at Proctor MN

December 10, 2016 Green Bay WI - October/November 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the October/November 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

November 5, 2016 Green Bay WI - Passing of Brother Michael Suriano
I am sadden to announce Brother Mike Suriano, a member of Division 174 passed away unexpectedly Thursday. This is a sad reminder of how fragile life really is. On behalf of all members of CN/WC membership I extend our most heartfelt sympathies to the Suriano family. More details will be provided as they become available.
John Reynolds
CN/WC General Chairman
Click here for more details
Bulletin: In Remembrance – Michael Suriano

October 8, 2016 Green Bay WI - September 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the September 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

October 3, 2016 Green Bay WI - Passing of Brother Scott Sterling
I am sadden to announce Brother Scott Sterling, a member of Division 174 passed away unexpectedly yesterday. This is a sad reminder of how fragile life really is. On behalf of all members of CN/WC membership I extend our most heartfelt sympathies to the Sterling family. More details will be provided as they become available.
John W. Reynolds
General Chairman, CN/WC
Click here for more details
Bulletin: In Remembrance – Scott Sterling
WSAW Channel 7 news story

September 12, 2016 Green Bay WI - August 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the August 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

August 7, 2016 Green Bay WI - June/July 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the June/July 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

July 1, 2016 Barrington IL - Cornerstone Insurance Enrollment Documents
Please see the documents below for Cornerstone Enrollment Information
Enrollment Documents for those currently enrolled with Cornerstone
Open Enrollment Documents for those NOT currently enrolled with Cornerstone

June 4, 2016 Green Bay WI - May 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the May 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

May 6, 2016 Green Bay WI - April 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the April 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

April 20, 2016 Green Bay WI - March 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the March 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

April 12, 2016 Independence OH - John Reynolds reelected to fifth term as CN-WC General Chairman
Canadian National–Wisconsin Central (CN-WC) General Chairman John W. Reynolds was reelected by acclamation to his fifth term of office at the General Committee’s quadrennial meeting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, March 30-31, 2016.

March 5, 2016 Green Bay WI - February 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the February 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

February 3, 2016 Green Bay WI - January 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the January 2016 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

January 24, 2016 Green Bay WI - Metlife Short Term Disabilty Shortages
Please see the attached letter to members. This letter pertains to members who were off work due medical leave and collected STD benefits from MetLife, as they may have been shorted on their STD income.

January 7, 2016 Green Bay WI - December 2015 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report
See the above link for the December 2015 BLET CN/WC General Chairman Report

January 5, 2016 Homewood IL - 2016 Engineer's Roster Posting
Attached is the Engineer seniority roster updated to: January 5, 2016
Director, Labor Relations
Canadian National Railway
17641 South Ashland Avenue
Homewood IL 60430
is the Company Officer designated to receive protests as specified in Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Locomotive Engineers. Protests must be sent by certified mail. Protests that have previously been submitted and declined will not be accepted.
Click Here to read the Carrier Notice
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster
Click Here to read the BLET CN/WC General Chairman Notice

December 23, 2015 Green Bay WI - USOR - Rule 0600 - Switching Safely and Efficiently
Please see the attached letter concerning an incident at Fond du Lac in which the engineer received a 33 day actual suspension for allegedly violating USOR - Rule 0600 - Switching Safely and Efficiently.

November 18, 2015 - Website Members Services now available to CN/WC BLET GCA Members
We are pleased to now make available our Member Services portion of this website to CN/WC BLET General Committee Members. To access these services please click the above LOGIN button and click the Register Here line, fill out the form and follow the instructions. If you have previously registered on, you already have access to this system using you work PIN as the username.
Any issues or questions using this system should be directed to the website administrator at: to have them resolved.
Thank you for your patience during this process and while I approve users into the system.
CN/WC BLET Web Administrator

November 7, 2015 Barrington IL - Cornerstone Assurance Group Open Enrollment Opportunity
This benefits enrollment packet serves as your open-enrollment kit for two new benefits that are being made available to all members of the BLET CNWC GCA. Specifically, all members may now enroll (and be guaranteed approved) for Critical Illness and Accident Insurance with Aflac insurance company. Open-enrollment will be open from November 15, 2015 until December 15, 2015. If you enroll during open enrollment you will be fully insured on January 1, 2016 (you are immediately covered for 25% of your elected benefit amount the day your enrollment forms are received). It is important to understand that these benefits are being made available to you IN ADDITION to the Disability and Life insurance benefits already in place with Lincoln Financial Group. These Aflac benefits are NOT replacing any other insurance plans. These Critical Illness and Accident Insurance benefits have been negotiated on a group basis to provide all members of the General Committee access to insurance benefits that would not otherwise be available to you on an individual basis.
Click to read the entire program cover letter

October 2, 2015 Green Bay WI - Passing of Brother Nate Collins
I am sadden to announce Brother Nate Collins, a member of Division 174 passed away unexpectedly yesterday. This is a sad reminder of how fragile life really is. On behalf of all members of CN/WC membership I extend our most heartfelt sympathies to the Collins family. More details will be provided as they become available.
John Reynolds
CN/WC General Chairman

September 22, 2015 Cleveland OH - Letter from Dennis Pierce on Fatigue
Click the above link to read a letter from BLET President Dennis Pierce to CN CEO Claude Mongeau

July 2, 2015 Green Bay WI — Critical Incident Director - Mobilization Coordinator
I am pleased to announce and welcome Brother Gordy Hill as the newly appointed Critical Incident Director – Mobilization Coordinator to our General Committee. This appointment is effective July 2, 2015. Brother Hill is replacing Brother Chuck Schulz. Brother Schulz was recently elected to the position of Wisconsin State Legislative Board Chairman. I would like to congratulate Brother Schulz on his new position and thank him for his hard work and dedication as the former Critical Incident Director – Mobilization Coordinator to our General Committee.
Brother Hill is member of BLET Division 173 (Fond du Lac, Wisc.). In November of 2012, he was elected Alternate Legislative Representative of his Division and assumed the Legislative Representative position in November of 2014. In addition, Brother Hill serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee for the Wisconsin State Legislative Board. I know he will work tirelessly on behalf of the General Committee and all members of our Brotherhood. I have every confidence that he has the skill and dedication necessary to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
As Critical Incident Director to our General Committee Brother Hill’s duties will be, but not limited to, contacting members involved in critical incidents and ensuring all of their adequate needs are met. In his duties as Mobilization Coordinator Brother Hill will be responsible for working with the General Committee’s Division Coordinators in updating and maintaining the mobilization networks. These networks will be used to distribute pertinent information to our Membership.
Brother Hill can be contacted as (920) 979-4853 or at

John W. Reynolds
General Chairman, CN/WC

June 20, 2015 Green Bay WI — Passing of Brother Schubert
I am sadden to announce Brother Josh Schubert, a member of Division 175 passed away unexpectedly last night. This is a sad reminder of how fragile life really is. On behalf of all members of CN/WC membership

I extend our most heartfelt sympathies to the Schubert family.

John W. Reynolds
General Chairman, CN/WC

May 28, 2015 Green Bay WI - Suspended Call Windows
This is to update you on the current status of the suspended call windows. As of now I have notified that the call windows have been suspended at Fond du Lac and St. Point. I have an updated timeframe that call windows could be suspended until Saturday night or Sunday morning.
I have been receiving calls concerning pay issues while the call windows the call windows are suspended. Please see Article 17 – Calling For Duty Section 1 Q&A #2 that I have attached below.

Section 1 – Calling

D. When a disruption to service occurs, the General Manager will consult with the General Chairman and the following plan may be implemented:
The current call windows will be suspended and the effected employees will be placed on a Road Pool Board in the order of their call windows. Such employees will then be run first-in, first-out on any available assignment other than temporary vacancies.
A disruption to service is defined as a main line blockage due to derailment, washout, fire, vandalism, flood, or similar act of God that results in the stoppage of trains on the WC Division. It is not the intent to invoke this provision unless an incident results in a severe disruption to the designed flow of traffic on the WC Division. A severe disruption is defined as above noted and lasting more than five (5) hours. Furthermore, the Road Pool Board created by this provision will be abolished and crews will return to their regular assignments when main line traffic resumes.
Employees will be notified when they are to return to their normal call windows.
Question: Is a labor strike considered a disruption of service such that would trigger Article 17, Section 1 Paragraph D?
Answer: No. 2
Question: Will Engineers lose earnings as a result of implementation of Article 17 (D)?
Answer: No. Engineers will be compensated no less than the GEB rate during the affected timeframe.

I will update you as I receive more information.

John W. Reynolds
General Chairman, CN/WC

May 1, 2015 Washington DC - DOT Announces Final Rule to Strengthen Safe Transportation of Flammable Liquids by Rail
U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx today announced a final rule for the safe transportation of flammable liquids by rail. The final rule, developed by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), in coordination with Canada, focuses on safety improvements that are designed to prevent accidents, mitigate consequences in the event of an accident, and support emergency response.

March 23, 2015 Green Bay WI - Codified April 1, 2002 revised: August 4, 2014 Agreement
Please see the attached codified April 1, 2002 revised: August 4, 2014 Agreement. The codified Agreement is at the printer and I will mail a hard copies to all members when I receive them.
John W. Reynolds
General Chairman, CN/WC

March 20, 2015 Oshkosh WI - BLET Wisconsin Legislative Board March Newsletter
Monday March 9th signed so-called right-to-work legislation banning requirements that private-sector workers pay union fees. In a matter of weeks, Republicans pushed through the measure making Wisconsin the 25th state with such a law, giving a victory to manufacturers in the state and a blow to organized labor and some construction firms, which had opposed the measure.

February 27, 2015 Oshkosh WI - BLET Wisconsin Legislative Board Right to Work Newsletter
Click the above link to read a newsletter from the BLET Wisconsin State Legislative Board regarding Right to Work Legislation in Wisconsin and action being requested of all Members.

February 19, 2015 Green Bay WI - PLD/SDV Cancellation
The Carrier recently informed us that they are cancelling previously granted PLDs and SDVs purportedly due to a major mainline derailment between Winnipeg and Toronto. As a result of this incident the Carrier plans to run six to eight detour trains each direction per day between Winnipeg and Chicago. I have been told this could continue through the week of February 23rd
Click the above link to read the entire letter

January 12, 2015 Homewood IL - 2015 Engineer's Roster Posting
Attached is the Engineer seniority roster updated to: January 12, 2015
Director, Labor Relations
Canadian National Railway
17641 South Ashland Avenue
Homewood IL 60430
is the Company Officer designated to receive protests as specified in Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Locomotive Engineers. Protests must be sent by certified mail. Protests that have previously been submitted and declined will not be accepted.
Click Here to read the Carrier Notice
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster

October 1, 2014 - Enroll Now for 2015 — Open Enrollment Is Oct. 1 – Nov. 1, 2014
Open Enrollment is now open for 2015 Health Benefits. Click the above link for more information or go to

September 2, 2014 Green Bay WI - Backpay
The Carrier plans to issue backpay to active engineers on September 10, 2014. If anybody wants to make adjustments to their 401k withholdings, they need to do so before 1200 hrs. on September 8, 2014. It is very important to note that any change to the 401K election must be faxed to Payroll (708-332-3854) or emailed to rather than going through Fidelity. Employees should also be aware that the Railroad Retirement Board does not recognize 401K contributions as being exempt from RRB taxes so even if the employee elects 100% for 401K, it will actually be closer to 80%.

August 19, 2014 Green Bay WI - FMLA Poster
As you are probably aware, CN recently issued a poster complaining about alleged FMLA fraud and abuse, and urging you to anonymously inform on any fellow employees you suspect of improperly obtaining or using FMLA. This poster is an insult to all of us. Beyond that, it is an attempt to pit each of you against your fellow employee, which is an affront to the principles of trade unionism.

August 4, 2014 Green Bay WI - Rates of Pay
I have just been notified by Labor Relations that the new pay rates are being uploaded and will be applied to coincide with the new payroll period beginning August 11, 2014. Back pay will be paid up to and including August 10, 2014. Please notify your members.
John W. Reynolds
CN/WC General Chairman

July 25, 2014 Cleveland OH - Tentative Mediation A-13676 Ratification Vote
This refers to the tentative agreement between our GCA and Wisconsin Central Ltd. (CN­ WC), which was mailed out to the active membership during the month of June, 2014 for ratification.
The tabulated vote results are as follows in accordance with Section 41(a) - General Committee Rules of the BLET Bylaws;
Ballots sent: 510
Ballots received: 357
In favor: 211
Against: 141
Unidentifiable: 4
Ineligible: 1
The proposed agreement has been ratified by a majority vote of the active, eligible members casting a ballot.
I would like to thank the local officers and especially the members for their determination and support for our negotiating team during these negotiations
John W. Reynolds General Chairman – CN/WC, BLET

July 11, 2014 New York NY - With L.I.R.R. Strike Looming, Congress Indicates It Is Unlikely to Intervene
The dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and its unions hurtled into a more urgent phase on Wednesday, less than two weeks before a possible strike, as congressional leaders said they were unlikely to intervene on behalf of either side. Although the chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which operates the railroad, traveled to Washington ostensibly to seek clarification on…

July 1, 2014 Green Bay WI - Inward Facing Cameras
The Carrier recently informed us that they are installing Inward Facing Cameras (IFC) on several locomotives to use on a pilot program on the Iron Range Subdivision. The date the IFC pilot program begins will be issued per a Lake Zone Superintendent´s bulletin.

June 30, 2014 Green Bay WI - Memorandum of Understanding
For whatever reason, an anonymous poster has circulated "concerns" about the use of the term "Memorandum of Understanding" on the cover page of the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement. By references to Wikipedia, the author of these "concerns" is apparently attempting to arouse suspicions about the enforceability of the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement in what can only be a cowardly attempt to dissuade members from supporting it.

The Memorandum of Understanding that constitutes the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement is a legally binding instrument that will, if ratified, serve to amend the Schedule Agreement according to the terms of the settlement. It was carefully vetted by the National President's Director of Research, and was reached under the auspices of a Federal Mediator. There is no merit whatsoever to the "concerns" being anonymously voiced, and any questions about the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement should be directed to this office, not the bulletin board, locker room, or shanty.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact this office.

John W. Reynolds
General Chairman – CN/WC, BLET

June 23, 2014 Green Bay WI - Mediation Process Explained
As you should be aware, a copy of the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement was mailed on Friday, June 20, 2014 to active members of the BLET employed by CN-WC who are eligible to vote on the ratification of this Agreement. Ballots are due by Friday, July 25, 2014. I have received many questions concerning what happens next if the Tentative Agreement does not ratify. While there is a legal structure that governs the process from this point on, it is much harder to predict with forensic precision just what will happen. I will do my best to explain what the law provides, and my best estimate of what could happen if you reject the Agreement.

June 20, 2014 Green Bay WI - Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement
On May 28, 2014 the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) reached a tentative contract Agreement with Canadian National's Wisconsin Central Ltd. Ballots are being mailed today to active members of the BLET employed by CN-WC who are eligible to vote on the ratification of this agreement.
Click on the above link to view the agreement package

June 16, 2014 Green Bay WI - Brother in Need
I regret to inform you that on Saturday, June 14, 2014 Brother Brett Hobbs, Local Chairman for Division 520, lost his home in a tragic house fire. Fortunately Brother Hobbs and his family escaped unharmed, but they lost all of their personal belongings in the fire.
If there is anything you can do to help Brother Hobbs and his family please contact Division 520 Secretary/Treasurer Jim Gibson at (219)741-6801 or at
Any assistance that you may provide the Hobbs family will be greatly appreciated.
John W. Reynolds
CN/WC General Chairman

June 2, 2014 Green Bay WI - From the Office of the General Chairman-Tentative Agreement Reached
The General Committee reached a tentative Agreement with the Canadian National Railway on May 28, 2014 in Minneapolis, MN. The tentative Agreement was sent to the BLET National Division for executive review and approval on Monday, June 2, 2014. When executive approval is received from the National Division, the ratification process will begin, at which time details of the new tentative Agreement will be furnished. This office will release more information as it becomes available.
In preparation of the Tentative Agreement being approved, Members that have changed their mailing address over the last couple of years are encouraged to contact their Division Secretary/Treasurer so their address can be updated to be sure they receive the mailing which will include their ballot.

April 23, 2014 Cleveland OH - BLET, SMART–TD to seek two-person crew laws on the state level
As part of an ongoing effort to secure a law mandating a minimum of two crew members in the cab of all locomotives, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) and the Transportation Division of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART–TD) have provided their State Legislative Boards with model legislation to secure minimum crew size laws on the state level.

April 11, 2014 Kaukauna WI - Membership Update from Chairman Reynolds
This letter is to up-date the continuing business of the General Committee. The first item to address is our Section 6 Mediation negotiations with the Carrier. At the completion of our last round of meetings that were held the week of February 10, 2014, there was significant progress made, although there are still issues that neither of the parties could come to an understanding on. We were recessed by Mediator Tossi until the week of May 26, 2014, with the next round of meetings to be held in Minneapolis, MN.
Click the above link to read the full letter.

April 9, 2014 Washington DC - FRA to Issue Proposed Rule on Minimum Train Crew Size
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today announced its intention to issue a proposed rule requiring two-person train crews on crude oil trains and establishing minimum crew size standards for most main line freight and passenger rail operations. The FRA also intends to advance a rulemaking on train securement and recommends a rulemaking on the movement of hazardous materials.

April 4, 2014 Crystal Lake IL - Hartford Open-Enrollment Extended until April 30, 2014!!
Hartford has granted an extension to the open-enrollment for the CN-WC GCA Group Insurance Policy. Members who enrolled during the prior enrollment are currently insured (as of April 1st) so this extended open-enrollment does not affect you in any way. Members who have not yet enrolled, but would like to, can enroll before April 30, 2014 and will be insured on May 1, 2014.
There are two easy ways to enroll:
Visit and click on the secure "enroll here" button under the CN-WC GCA column at the bottomright of the home page.
Call (815) 477.7287 and ask to have your enrollment elections into the CN-WC GCA group insurance plan taken over the phone.

March 25, 2014 Washington DC - Federal Railroad Administration issues Final Rule on Critical Incident Stress Plans
SUMMARY: FRA issues this final rule in accordance with a statutory mandate that the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) require certain major railroads to develop, and submit to the Secretary for approval, critical incident stress plans that provide for appropriate support services to be offered to their employees who are affected by a "critical incident" as defined by the Secretary. The final rule contains a definition of the term "critical incident," the elements appropriate for the rail environment to be included in a railroad´s critical incident stress plan, the type of employees to be covered by the plan, a requirement that a covered railroad submit its plan to FRA for approval, and a requirement that a railroad adopt and comply with its FRA approved plan. Click the above link or here to view the March 25 Federal Register Entry

March 2, 2014 Kaukauna WI - Hartford Open Enrollment (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE PLAN)
I am pleased to inform you that we will be renewing our group insurance plan with The Hartford and ALL members are guaranteed approved for coverage during the open-enrollment which will run from March 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014.

There are open-enrollment meetings scheduled over the month of March. Please see the attached meeting locations, dates and times for open-enrollment meetings for your areas. In addition, see the attached enrollment kit. Mailings of the enrollment kit are being mailed to members Monday, March 3, 2014 and should start arriving at their homes mid-week. All members who wish to participate in the renewal policy are required to complete new enrollment forms, regardless if they are currently participating. They can complete their enrollment conveniently by doing any of the following:

1. Complete your enrollment forms online at and click on the "enroll here" icon at the bottom of the homepage under the column for the WCGCA.
2. Call Cornerstone at (815) 477.7287 and have your application taken over the phone.
3. Complete the enclosed enrollment paperwork and mail them in the enclosed postage paid envelope or fax them to (847) 580.4937.

Enrollment forms must be completed and returned by March 31, 2014 to be insured on April 1, 2014 when the policy goes effective.

Cornerstone Assurance Group will also be conducting online Webinars throughout the month of March so members can learn about the renewal plan and get questions answered. Please visit to see the webinar schedule. All information about our renewal policy is located at the bottom of the homepage under the header WCGCA.

If you have questions about the plan or would like assistance completing your enrollment forms please feel free to contact any of the following individuals:

Cornerstone Assurance Group
Edward Haley (National Director) – 847.815.2168
Andrew Haley (President) – 847.815.4173
Chris Colton (Benefits Advisor) – 847.533.5140
Terri Maturno (Customer Service Representative) – 815.477.7287

EJE Enrollment Meeting Notice-March 6Schiller Park Enrollment Meeting Notice-March 6Gladstone Enrollment Meeting Notice-March 6
Green Bay/Neenah Enrollment Meeting Notice-March 1Stevens Point Enrollment Meeting Notice-March 13
Superior/Proctor Enrollment Meeting Notice-March 18&19Fond du lac Enrollment Meeting Notice-March 27

If you have any questions, please contact me.
John W. Reynolds

February 9, 2014 Kaukauna WI - Current Issues from General Chairman Reynolds
As you know in probably the biggest on-going issues we are dealing with in your areas is managers on trains, excessive hours on duty, the position the Carrier is taking on limbo time and the Carrier’s on-going violations of the CBA. First, I want everyone to know that no one is sitting idly by and taking these issues lightly. Below I will describe what we are doing to address the above mention on-going issues.
Click the above link to read the entier letter
Click Here to view or download a current WC/BLET Trip Report

January 24, 2014 Washington DC - NTSB calls for tougher standards on trains carrying crude oil
The National Transportation Safety Board today issued a series of recommendations (see Safety Recommendation Letters R-14-001-003 and R-14-004-006) to the Department of Transportation to address the safety risk of transporting crude oil by rail. In an unprecedented move, the NTSB is issuing these recommendations in coordination with the Transportation Safety Board of Canada.

January 24, 2014 Washington DC - FRA 49 CFR 213 Track Safety Standards Final Rule
SUMMARY: FRA is amending the Federal Track Safety Standards to promote the safety of railroad operations by enhancing rail flaw detection processes. In particular, FRA is establishing minimum qualification requirements for rail flaw detection equipment operators, as well as revising requirements for effective rail inspection frequencies, rail flaw remedial actions, and rail inspection records. In addition, FRA is removing regulatory requirements concerning joint bar fracture reporting. This final rule is intended to implement section 403 of the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (RSIA).
DATES: This final rule is effective March 25, 2014. Petitions for reconsideration must be received on or before March 25, 2014. Comments in response to petitions for reconsideration must be received on or before May 9, 2014.

January 23, 2014 Cleveland OH - Attention retirees: Information about GA-23111 Plan F
Retired BLET members are being advised of the availability of coverage in addition to Medicare for railroad employees, their dependents, parents and parents-in-law.

January 23, 2014 Cleveland OH - Attention retirees: Information about GA-23111 Plan F
Retired BLET members are being advised of the availability of coverage in addition to Medicare for railroad employees, their dependents, parents and parents-in-law.

January 21, 2014 Ottawa ON - Transportation Safety Board of Canada to release three recommendations related to ongoing investigation into train accident in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) will release three recommendations related to its ongoing investigation into the 6 July 2013 derailment and fire involving a freight train operated by Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec.
Thursday, 23 January 2014, 11 am
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Engineering Lab
1901 Research Road
Building U-100
Ottawa, Ontario
Wendy Tadros, TSB Chair
Jean Laporte, Chief Operating Officer
Don Ross, Investigator-in-Charge
Manuel Kotchounian, Senior Investigator
This event is for media only. Media representatives will need to show their outlet identification.
The news conference will be webcast live from the TSB Lab. You can access the webcast at this address:
The TSB is an independent agency that investigates marine, pipeline, railway and aviation transportation occurrences. Its sole aim is the advancement of transportation safety. It is not the function of the Board to assign fault or determine civil or criminal liability.
SOURCE Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Read more:

January 3, 2014 Kaukauna WI - Retirement of Keith Stauber
This is to announce the retirement of Division 163 Local Chairman Brother Keith Stauber. On behalf of the General Committee and the entire Membership, I would like to thank Brother Keith for his dedication and service to our General Committee and our entire Membership. Brother Keith
has a substantial amount of knowledge of union representation and dedication, as he has always had the Organization and its Members at the top
of his priorities. With great respect, I would like to thank Brother Keith for all of his assistance that he has provided from the merger negotiations
to the day to day operations.
I wish Brother Keith a happy and deserving retirement as he has worked enormously hard to achieve it.
John W. Reynolds
General Chairman, CN/WC

December 18, 2013 Cleveland OH - BLET members to keep Health FSA plan for 2014
Members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen will keep their Health Flexible Spending Accounts (Health FSA) through 2014 thanks to an increased level of participation in the money-saving plan.

December 11, 2013 Washington DC - Federal Railroad Administration Issues Industry-wide Safety Advisory to Ensure Compliance with Speed Restrictions
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today issued an industry-wide Safety Advisory to help ensure railroads adhere to federal regulations regarding maximum authorized train speed limits. The advisory contains four recommendations to ensure railroads comply with speed restrictions through appropriate operating policies, procedures and effective implementation.

November 22, 2013 Cleveland OH - Members urged to call their member of Congress after BLET lobbies for two-person crew bill
The BLET, working jointly with SMART-Transportation Division (formerly the United Transportation Union), made nearly 150 visits to members of the U.S. House of Representatives this week in support of H.R. 3040, the Safe Freight Act. The bill would mandate by federal law that two qualified individuals are in the cab of each freight train operating in the United States.

November 20, 2013 Brandon WI - Stevens Point Pools Schedule Posting
Vice General Chairman Hau has created a pool schedule to help everyone rebid their jobs with the pool schedule changes at Stevens Point, the following copy is in Adobe pdf format to make it easier for everyone to access. This is made available as a tool and no guarantees are implied.

November 12, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Section 6 Update
This letter is to update you on the status of our current Section 6 Mediation meetings with the Carrier. I was contacted by Mediator Michael Tosi last week and was notified that Section 6 Mediation meetings will resume November 20 and 21, 2013 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Click on the above link to read the full letter

November 1, 2013 Reedsburg WI - Wi-Tronix Cellular Device Detection System
Wi-Tronix is a monitoring device Railroads could use for cell phone usage monitoring on locomotives. CREWS ARE BEING FIRED! If you had any question……………

October 23, 2013 Oshkosh WI - Critical Incident info Letter to all Members
It has been reported that Grade Crossing and Trespassing Fatalities have been on the rise recently according to “Operation Life Saver” and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). This seems to be consistent with the amount of contact I have had with CN/WC GCA Members who have been involved in Critical Incidents over the last several months.

October 1, 2013 Cleveland OH - Railroad Retirement Board offices remain open during government shutdown; National Mediation Board to close
The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) announced that ongoing benefit payments will continue and all RRB offices are expected to remain open during the lapse in Federal funding for certain Government operations, which began today. The National Mediation Board, on the other hand, announced that it would be closed indefinitely due to lack of funding.

September 19, 2013 Cleveland OH - Register with ‘Your Track to Health’ to win iPad
The “Your Track to Health” brand represents the wide array of health and welfare benefits and resources available to eligible Railroad employees and their dependents. Whenever you see Your Track to Health used on communications and in materials, you can know and trust that the information is important and is being provided to help you better understand and optimize your health and welfare benefits.

September 18, 2013 Cleveland OH - Health FSA Calculator Tool now available
A health flexible spending account (Health FSA) is a benefit plan that lets you save by putting pre-tax money aside in a special account to help pay for certain medical costs and other health services. This means you can save on what you pay in your annual income taxes. Open enrollment for eligible BLET represented engineers who work at certain railroads (and all train service employees of the Texas Mexican Railway) will begin on October 1, 2013, and you can now calculate your potential savings by using the new Health FSA Calculator Tool.

September 11, 2013 Cleveland OH - Health FSA open enrollment begins October 1
Open enrollment will run from October 1, 2013 until November 2, 2013, for the Health Flexible Spending Account Plan (Health FSA), which is available to BLET represented engineers who work at participating railroads, and all train service employees of Texas Mexican Railway.
This important health care benefit, secured by the BLET during the most recent national contract, is in danger of falling by the wayside unless membership participation increases. At least 5% of eligible engineers must participate in the Health FSA in the 2014 Plan Year, and 7.5% in the 2015 and subsequent Plan Years, or the Carriers will have the right to terminate the plan beginning with the following Plan Year. The deadline to register for the 2014 benefit year is November 2, 2013, and the BLET is encouraging all members to sign up.

August 19, 2013 Kaukauna WI - General Committee Survey regarding Mediation Agreement A-13676 vote
By now you know the tentative Mediation Case A-13676 Agreement failed to ratify, 179 against, 124 in favor. So the immediate question is, what now? The short answer is that we go back into mediation.
After reading the above letter CLICK HERE to be taken to the survey page

August 9, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Vote results of the Mediation Agreement A-13676
Please see the attached letter concerning the vote results of the Mediation Agreement A-13676. Thank you for everyone who voted.
John W. Reynolds
CN/WC General Chairman

August 2, 2013 Washington DC - Federal Railroad Administration Issues Emergency Order to Prevent Unintended Hazardous Materials Train Movement
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today issued an Emergency Order and Safety Advisory to help prevent trains operating on mainline tracks or sidings from moving unintentionally. The FRA’s announcement was made in response to the July 6, 2013 derailment in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, Canada, as it awaits additional data once the investigation into the crash is complete. The actions announced today build on the success of FRA’s rigorous safety program, which has helped reduce train accidents by 43 percent over the last decade, and made 2012 the safest year in American rail history.

August 2, 2013 Cleveland OH - Operating unions advance federal crew size legislation
The Transportation Division of the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation International Association (SMART) and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET/IBT) have jointly announced that legislation requiring at least two crew members on all freight trains in the U.S. has been filed in Congress.

July 19, 2013 Cleveland OH - Official Statement of BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce
The following is the official statement from Dennis R. Pierce, National President of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen regarding the danger to public safety that one-man train operations represent.
Click the above link to read the entire statement

July 11, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement***CONTRACT EXPLANATION LOCATION AND DATES***
All WC General Committee Members,

July 3, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Clarification of Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement Package
Please see the attached letter concerning the Company's Section 6 Notice that was in the mailing of the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement. I have been notified by many members with concerns of the Company's Section 6 Notice dated August 31, 2012 that was enclosed in the mailing of the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement Package. Many members have the impression that the Company's Section 6 Notice is part of the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT PART OF THE TENTATIVE MEDIATION A-13676 AGREEMENT.

July 1, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement--CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PACKAGE
The Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement that was reached with the Canadian National Railway on June 6, 2013 received executive approval from the BLET National on Thursday, June 27.
On July 1, 2013 copies of the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement, ballot packages and other pertinent information was mailed to all active members for ratification.
Ballots will be counted on August 9, 2013. If any active members do not receive their Tentative Agreement package by July 8, 2013 they should contact the General Committee office at (920) 462-4509 and a Tentative Agreement package will be mailed to them.
Included in the package are dates and locations for contract explanation meetings. In addition to the meetings there are four conference calls scheduled. These meetings and conference calls are for the member's benefit to gather information and ask questions they may have concerning the Tentative Mediation A-13676 Agreement before casting their vote.

June 10, 2013 Kaukauna WI - From the Office of the General Chairman-Tenative Agreement Reached
The General Committee reached a tenative Agreement with the Canadian National Railway on June 6, 2013 in Homewood, Illinois. The tenative Agreement was sent to the BLET National for executive approval on Friday, June 7, 2013. Once this office has received executive approval from the National the GCA will start distributing mailing packets with pertinent information concerning the tenative Agreement and it will also be posted on the GCA Website. Shortly thereafter the release we will begin the ratification process. This office will release more information as it becomes available.

June 8, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Revised Rosters***Now in Adobe pdf format***
As you know the 2013 Seniority Roster was posted on February 4, 2013. Upon review of the posted 2013 roster there were many errors discovered. Due to the amount of errors, the roster was revised and reposted on May 15, 2013. Any member disputing their placement on the Seniority Roster that was reissued must appeal their dispute in accordance with Article 7, Section 2 (b) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Any seniority placement protest that was appealed on the February 4, 2013 roster must be re-appealed.
Click Here to read General Chairman Reynolds notice
Click Here for the WC Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DWP Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the DMIR Order Selection Roster
Click Here for the EJE Order Selection Roster

May 29, 2013 Cleveland OH - Preparing for your early retirement
BLET Editor's Note: The following is a list of important Information for railroad employees eligible for GA-46000 who may be planning an early retirement. It was prepared by United Healthcare.

May 10, 2013 Cleveland OH - Unions join forces to fight carriers implementation of inward cameras
During a meeting with the Presidents of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen and the SMART Transportation Division on April 24, 2013, Kansas City Southern Railway announced that it intends to install and begin to use inward facing cameras in all of its locomotives over the next few weeks. According to KCS, each locomotive will have two (2) cameras, one behind the engineer focused on the control panel and one across the cab focusing on both crew members. (Some locomotives with cameras installed already are in use in Mexico; others are being fitted for cameras in Shreveport.) The carrier told the two Presidents that it has "management prerogative" to take these actions and does not have to, and does not intend to, bargain with the unions over the use of these cameras, or the effects of this dramatic change on its operating craft employees. Without notifying the unions, that same day KCS filed suit in federal district court in Shreveport, LA, to obtain a ruling allowing it to implement its plan.

May 1, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Rest Day Do Not Call List
Please see the attached letter concerning a request to not be called on your rest days. This should eliminate unwanted/disturbing calls from CMC. If a member signs up for the do not call list and is called, please notify your local officer so notification can be made of the General Chairman.

April 26, 2013 Kaukauna WI - Attendance Policy
As you all should already know, the Carrier has announced Attendance Guidelines to take effect on May 24, 2013. I fully understand that our members have many questions, concerns and fears about this policy and how it will be administered. The purpose of this letter is to let all of you know the GCA's position in this regard.

March 19, 2013 Cleveland OH - 150th anniversary celebration planned for Detroit on May 8, 2013
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen enters its 150th year on May 8, 2013. It is the oldest transportation labor organization in North America. Founded May 8, 1863, at Detroit, Mich., the BLET has its headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. It has more than 500 Divisions (locals) throughout the United States. The first unit of the Brotherhood to be formed was Division1 in Detroit, Mich., on May 8, 1863.

February 4, 2013 Kauakauna WI - 2013 WC-DWP-DMIR-EJE Seniority Roster Protest Letter from General Chairman Reynolds
The 2013 BLET Seniority Roster was posted on February 4, 2013. Seniority protest must be appealed in accordance of Article 7, Section 2 (B) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

January 18, 2013 Cleveland OH -Update from BLET Tax Compliance department
Internal Revenue Service regulations require the BLET National Division to inform its members that a certain portion of your National Division dues are not tax deductible as a miscellaneous itemized deduction on your personal tax returns. According to the National Secretary-Treasurer’s office, 84.2 percent of your BLET National Division dues are tax deductible on a Form 1040 tax return.

January 8, 2013 Cleveland OH - Update on new vision care plan and discount plan for retirees
In November, the BLET National Division announced that an improved vision care plan would begin in early 2013 for certain members. As a part of the new program, a no-cost Discount Plan is being offered to retirees. Information on the early retiree Discount Plan is now available here:

January 4, 2013 Cleveland OH - UP/Texas State Legislative Board HOS Violations
Enclosed herewith for your information and files please find a copy of a file provided by Texas State Legislative Board Chairman T.D. Briggs, relative to his successful prosecution of Union Pacific Railroad's violations of the hours of service laws as interpreted in Federal Railroad Administration Technical Bulletin OP-04-30.

January 4, 2013 Cleveland OH - Letter from BLET President Pierce regarding Fatigue
As we begin the New Year, it is appropriate for me to bring everyone up to speed regarding developments concerning the subject of fatigue. It is a subject that has captured our attention for many years. Moveover, this year should bring publication of a new Federal Railroad Administration ("FRA") regulation establishing the parameters for Risk Reduction Programs ("RRPs") that will cover most BLET members, which will include a requirement to develop Fatigue Management Plans.

December 15, 2012 AP News - We'll All Miss Unions When They're Gone
Unionists have never enjoyed true security in America. During the early nineteenth century, they got hauled into court for conspiring to restrain trade. In the heyday of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, they got accused of fomenting violence and revolution. During the first decade of the Cold War, they had to purge their ranks of radical activists or be slammed as soft on Communism. Since the 1970s, they have been condemned as a greedy and privileged special interest even as their numbers and political clout keep dropping.

December 14, 2012 Homewood IL - Notice to all WC and EJE Engine Service Employees
Effective 1 January 2013, all engine service employees and assignments shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Agreement between Wisconsin Central LTD. (WC) and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET). Certain modifications to that agreement will be in effect, pursuant to the Merger Implementing Agreement negotiated in relation to STB Finance Docket No. 35630.

December 13, 2012 AP News- Virginia GOP Official Calls Union Members ‘Terrorists’
Union workers who were protesting the passage of so-called “right-to-work” laws outside the state capitol in Lansing, Michigan are “terrorists,” according to a former high-ranking official in the Republican Party of Virginia who now serves in a county-level elected office.

December 8, 2012 Kaukauna WI - COC Temporary Vacancies
This is concerning the Rinaldo Award - Standing Bid - Section 1 (B). Beginning with the COC on December 10, all vacation vacancies of seven (7) days or more will be filled with the Temporary Change of Card, not the Permanent Change of Card. Please notify your members.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
John W. Reynolds

December 8, 2012 Kaukauna WI - Town Hall Discussion Concerning the Section 4 Merger Implementation between the EJE and WCL
This informational discussion is your opportunity to learn more about this important development. EJ&E General Chairmen Hobbs, WC
General Chairman Reynolds and BLET-VP Ruef will be in attendance to answer all questions.

December 7, 2012 Cleveland OH - Mobilization alert: Help protect our future on Monday, December 10
A showdown is taking place in Washington, D.C. Some Lawmakers are pushing to grant more tax cuts for the richest 2% of Americans at a cost of $1 trillion over 10 years while cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits under the guise of a manufactured fiscal crisis.

November 28, 2012 Fond du lac WI - DLC Sponsors informative luncheon on FELA December 6, 2012 in Fond du lac
Randal W. LeNeave and the union designated law firm of Hunegs, LeNeave Kvas welcomes all railroad union craft employees,spouses or significant others to attend an informative luncheon to learn about the rights railroad workers have under the Federal Employers Liability Act.
Randy began his legal career in the early 1980s as a law clerk for the firm then known as the DeParcq firm, a pioneer and powerhouse in the representation of railroad workers under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). Today, Randy's clients include railroad workers covered under the FELA, National Football League players and other professional athletes in workers compensation claims. He also represents people who have been seriously injured or whose family members have been killed as a result of the wrongful conduct of others, individuals or corporations.

November 27, 2012 Kaukauna WI - Personal Leave Days Entitlement
Dear Brothers:
This letter is in reference to Engineers who have established Conductor seniority on or prior to January 1, 2012 and are only receiving four (4) Personal Leave Days and not receiving their full entitlement of twelve (12) Personal Leave Days (PLDs). Article 20 (H) Personal Leave Days of the April 1, 2002 (revised: February 1, 2009) BLET/WC Collective Bargaining Agreement states: in pertinent part, that:
      "Employees from other crafts transferring into engine service shall retain any PLD entitlement previously earned."
   The Organization has discussed this issue with the Carrier many times with no resolution. The Carriers position is that Engineers are only allowed PLD allotted for by the BLET Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Organization disagrees with the Carriers position and interprets that any Engineer who was hired as a Trainman on or prior to January 1, 2012 shall be entitled to a maximum of twelve (12) PLDs for each calendar year.I have requested from United Transportation Union (UTU) General Chairman Ken Flashberger his interpretation of Article 18 (A) of the WC/UTU Agreement dated January 1, 2012 concerning the following question:
      If an Engineer possessing Trainman seniority on or prior to January 1, 2012 and is permitted to exercise his seniority rights as a Trainman in the event he is involuntary furloughed from engine service, how many PLDs would he be entitled to?
Mr. Flashbergers interpretation to the above referenced question is as follows:
      If an employee established seniority as a Trainman prior to January 1, 2012, he should be entitled to twelve (12) Personal Leave Days.
   If you have established seniority as a Trainman on or prior to January 1, 2012 and are only allotted four (4) PLDs for the calendar year you need to
submit a grievance claim in the CATS system. Its imperative that you enter the claim into the CATS system, as a paper trail is needed, as this office is attempting to resolve this issue. When submitting your claim in CATS, please use the language enclosed with this letter.
   Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions concerning this issue please contact your Local Chairman.
      Sincerely, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

October 24, 2012 Kaukauna WI - Agreement to Borrow-out of WC Engineers on IC Property
From the office of the General Chairman--Attached is the proposed agreement of a Borrow-out of WC Engineers on IC Property. This agreement needs to be approved by the membership as outlined in President Pierce's letter. He states under BLET By-laws, each Local Chairman will poll the active membership attending the first regular or special division meeting following receipt of the Proposed Agreement and ascertain the wishes of the membership. The Local Chairman next will cast a vote with me in accordance with the instructions of the division, and I will be governed by the instructions of a majority of the local chairmen affected. This agreement was proposed account of the shortage of Engineers on the IC property between Fulton, Memphis, Jackson, Geismar, Baton Rouge, New Orleans due to the influx of grain and new coal service. The Carrier has assured me that they are in the process of hiring Certified Locomotive Engineers in the listed regions, but are dire need of Engineers now. The borrow-out Engineers will only be used at Jackson and points in Louisiana at this present time, until sufficient supply of Engineers are hired and trained. Fraternally yours, John W. Reynolds, CN/WC General Chairman

October 9, 2012 Kaukauna WI -ALL BLET CN/WC ENGINEER MEMBERS:
From the office of the General Chairman: Dear Sirs and Brothers: This letter is to update you on the status of our current Section 6 meetings with the Carrier. As you all know by now we began our current round of Section 6 negotiations with the Carrier in Roselle, Illinois on February 29, 2012. We have received numerous contract proposals from the Carrier, all of which were rejected as they did not meet the requirements of what our membership wants in a new Agreement. As your elected General Chairman one of my many responsibilities is to negotiate the best Agreement I can with the Carrier that will benefit all of the membership. In addition, I have had many conference calls with all members of the CN/WC BLET General Committee to give updates and ask their opinions and advice in trying to accomplish the wants and needs of our membership. On September 7, 2012 I applied to the National Mediation Board for their services under Section 5, First, of the Railway Labor Act. Our application has been docketed Case No. A-13676 and will hereafter be referred to as that number. Mediator A. Michael Tosi has been assigned to our case. Our next meeting is scheduled for November 5 & 6, 2012 in Baltimore, Maryland. We were hopeful that requesting assistance from the National Mediation Board could have been avoided on a new Agreement. However, we refuse to let the Carriers lack of flexibility keep us from receiving the Agreement our membership deserves. We will posting updates on our website ( as we move forward with negotiations with the Carrier. If you have any questions or concerns contact me or any General Committee member for clarification. Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman CN/WC, BLET

October 9, 2012 The White House, Washington D.C. - President Obama thanks the BLET for it's endorsement
President Obama has issued a letter to all BLET members thanking them for the recent endorsement for re-election to President.

October 7, 2012 Kaukauna WI - WC/EJ&E Coordination Implementing Agreement Voting Results
From the office of the General Chairman--Dear Sirs and Brothers: This letter is to inform you that members of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Company/Wisconsin Central LTD ratified the Implementing Agreement Coordinating the WC/EJ&E. Listed below are the results of the vote: In Favor of the WC/EJ&E Coordination: 150. Not in Favor of the WC/EJ&E Coordination: 49. I would like to thank the negotiating team for their hard work at the bargaining table. I would also like to thank all BLET members for participating in the voting process. Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman, CN/WC, BLET

October 7, 2012 Cleveland OH - Open enrollment has begun! CN has agreed to participate in the National Agreement Flexible Spending Account
From the office of President Pierce: Flexible Spending Account ("FSA") is now available to all CN engineers working under the BLET Agreement. Because this consensus was reached before the open enrollment materials were mailed, the CN properties will receive open enrollment packets that also include the materials and information for enrollment in the FSA program. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our Director of Benefits, Brother Dan Cook who can be reached via phone at (216) 241-2630 ext. 225 or via e-mail at

September 21, 2012 Fond du lac WI - The BLET-WISLB is pleased to announce our endorsements for the Congressional and National Senate race for the 2012 election cycle as follows;
Senate- Tammy Baldwin, Congress by District- District 1- Rob Zerban District 2- Mark Pocan Distict 3-Ron Kind Distict 4- Gwen Moore District 5- David Heaster District 6- No Endorsement District 7- Pat Krietlow District 8- Jamie Wall
I ask that all members consider these endorsements as election day approaches. These canidates have shown by their past voting records or by their strong commitment to Labor and the middle class that they will all be strong voices in defense of our rights as members of labor. Please feel free to contact this office with any questions. As always I remain, Paul Aird, 1st Vice-Chairman, State Legislative Representive, BLET/WISLB, (920)410-7324,

September 10, 2012 Kaukauna WI - CN/WC General Committee has reached a tentative agreement on the coordination of the WC and EJ&E properties:
Your GCA has reached a tentative New York Dock (NYD) Implementing Agreement with CN providing for the coordination of the WC and EJ&E properties. This Agreement is very similar to the one that was promulgated last year by Arbitrator Rinaldo in connection with the coordination of the WC, DMIR and DWP properties. While this Agreement may not appear to immediately impact many of our present members, particularly those who are far removed from the Chicago area, it is important to everybody nonetheless.

September 6, 2012 Kaukuana WI - Here are the finalized LMRC notes from our meeting held in April
The final notes from the Labor-Management Resolution Committee notes have been completed. John W. Reynolds, General Chairman.

Septmeber 5, 2012 Montreal PQ -CN acquiring more than 2,200 new freight cars and 1,300 containers in 2012 to support traffic growth and improve customer service
From the CN Corporate Home Page: CN announced today that it is acquiring more than 2,200 new freight cars in 2012, as well as 1,300 new containers, to support traffic growth and improve customer service. Jean-Jacques Ruest, executive vice-president and chief marketing officer, said: CN is acquiring new freight cars and containers for a range of markets, including forest products, metals, minerals, coal, iron ore, steel, consumer goods, finished vehicles, and grain. These fleet additions will help us grow in line with our customers' demands and ensure CN has the right mix of modern, productive assets.

August 14, 2013 Cleveland OH - Romney enlists Ryan to wage war on railroad workers
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has chosen Wisconsin Representative and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, the architect of a plan to gut the pension rights of railroad workers, as his running mate. This pairing represents a nightmare scenario for BLET members and all railroad workers in America, BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce said. With Romneys campaign trail promises to slash Amtrak funding and Ryans infamous budget plan that would destroy Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefits, there could be many dark days ahead from railroaders if this pair is elected in November.

August 13, 2012 Chicago IL - CN to invest $35 million in Wisconsin to serve Superior Silica Sands frac sand plant and other producers in future
CN and Superior Silica Sands today announced a multi-year agreement to move frac sand from a new processing plant now under construction in northern Wisconsin. Texas-based Superior Silica Sands is building an 85-acre sand processing plant and rail storage facility adjacent to CN's Barron Subdivision near Poskin, Wis., capable of producing up to 2.4 million tons per year of high-quality frac sand products. CN this spring launched a $35-million project to restore nearly 40 miles of track between Ladysmith and Barron, Wis. CN will upgrade rail and replace railroad ties, repair culverts and bridges, and restore rail service along the line. The Barron Subdivision will connect to CN's North American rail network at Ladysmith and will be in service later this year. CN will provide rail service to the new plant, moving frac sand from northern Wisconsin to shale drilling areas across North America, including Western Canada.

August 1, 2012 Cleveland OH - BLET applauds OSHA, Federal Railroad Administration agreement to protect workers from retaliation
On July 17, the Federal Railroad Administration and the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced that they had reached a memorandum of agreement to begin working together to address the seriousness and overwhelming number of whistleblower complaints that OSHA has received from railroad workers. BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce applauded the announcement. OSHA has received nearly 1,000 whistleblower complaints in less than five years, President Pierce said. Thats more than 200 per year, or more than one every other day. Retaliation against railroad workers is an epidemic that has plagues our industry for years and I am pleased that problem is finally being addressed in a manner that I hope will bring an end to the decades old harassment and intimidation of rail workers.

July 20, 2012 Kaukuana WI - Results of the claims conference that was held in Kaukauna, WI on June 27, 2012
Here are the results from the claims conference held with the carrier at the GCA office on June 27th. These claims will be paid on the July 27, 2012 paycheck. If you have any questions, please contact me. John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

July 20, 2012 Washington D.C. - Federal Railroad Administration and OSHA Sign Agreement to Protect Railroad Workers from Retaliation
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) today announced the signing of an agreement to improve coordination between the two agencies in enforcing the whistleblower provision of the Federal Railroad Safety Act (FRSA).

July 12, 2012 Kaukauna WI - An update on the Section 6 meetings
from the General Chairman-CN/WC Members: This letter is to update you on the current Section 6 meetings we are involved in with the Carrier. As you all know by now we began our current round of negotiations with the Carrier in Roselle, IL on February 29 & March 1, 2012. Our second round of meetings was held in Minneapolis, MN on June 4 & 5, 2012. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 24 & 25, 2012 in Kaukauna, WI. I will keep you updated on the Section 6 meetings as they continue. Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman.

July 12, 2012 Kaukauna WI - An update on the Section 4 meetings
from the General Chairman-CN/WC Members: This letter is to update you on the current Section 4 meetings we are involved in with the Carrier. As you all know by now the Carrier filed paperwork with the U.S. Surface Transportation Board to merge the Wisconsin Central and Elgin, Joliet and Eastern as one operating railroad. The merger was approved by the U.S. Surface Transportation Board just last month. What this means is the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway will officially be absorbed by the Wisconsin Central Railway. The EJ&E will cease to exist as separate corporations, and all operations would be as the Wisconsin Central. The two railways are now negotiating with the Carrier in hopes of moving all employees under a single contract. CN hopes to have the deal done by the end of the year. We have had one round of meetings, which were held in Homewood, IL on July 9 & 10, 2012. The next scheduled meeting is to be held in Homewood, IL on August 7 & 8, 2012. I will keep you updated on the Section 4 meetings as they continue. Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman.

July 9, 2012 Homewood IL - All GE-EVO and EMD SD70M locomotives are going to be on a 184 day periodic schedule:
All GE-EVO and EMD SD70M locomotives are going to be on a 184 day periodic schedule. Talk to all your supervisors, Mechanics, Electricians or anyone involved in the inspection and maintenance of these locomotives to be aware that the Blue Card is going to show inspections in a 184-day interval instead of the 92 day that we are all used to seeing. CN is going to put Hi-Pri notes on all these locomotives to replace the Blue Cards as soon as possible to insure that they all have the updated BC with the remarks on page 2. Effective June 8, 2012 FRA is revising the existing regulations containing Locomotive Safety Standards. FRA is modifying the existing periodic inspection requirements to provide for a 184-day inspection interval for all locomotives equipped with microprocessor-based control systems with self diagnostic capabilities. FRA has recognized the following CN locomotives to meet the requirements:
EMD SD70M-2 CN8000 to CN8024 & CN8800 to CN8964
GE EVO CN2220 to CN2344

June 25 Cleveland OH - A message from President Pierce on the FRSA/OSHA Whistle Blower Issue
President Pierce has released a letter concerning the FRSA/OSHA Whistle Blower Act in which the carriers have attempted to place there attorneys in the under the guise of "representing" the affected worker.

June 23, 2012 Kaukuana WI - SECTION 4 NOTICE ON CN's PLAN TOO MERGE WC & EJE
Brothers: CN has formally notified this Committee of its plan merger of the WC and the EJ&E properties.

June 21, 2012 Cleveland OH - Collective bargaining rights are under attack again:
An anti-union bill currently making its way through Congress seeks to undermine the rights of workers to bargain collectively under the guise of higher wages. The cynically-named Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees Act, or RAISE Act, would amend Section 9(a) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) to allow employers to ignore what they agree to in collective bargaining agreements. Introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) as S. 3221, the bill would take away employees rights to negotiate contracts that create a uniform, fair process for granting wage increases. The dubious logic behind the bill is that employers are benevolent and generous supporters of their workers, and should be allowed the freedom to reward favored employees with higher raises. In reality, the legislation would give employers the ability to discriminate against employees by arbitrarily showing favoritism to one worker over another.

June 14, 2012 Kaukauna WI - Next Labor/Management Resolution Committee meeting to be held on June 27 & 28, 2012
from the office of the General Chairman--The CN/WC General Committee will address the following at the Labor/Management Resolution Committee meeting to be held on June 27 & 28, 2012.
(CLICK HERE) to download the agenda. (CLICK HERE) to view claims scheduled for the LMRC.

June 14, 2012 New York NY - W.H.O. Declares Diesel Fumes Cause Lung Cancer
Diesel fumes cause lung cancer, the World Health Organization declared Tuesday, and experts said they were more carcinogenic than secondhand cigarette smoke. The W.H.O. decision, the first to elevate diesel to the known carcinogen level, may eventually affect some American workers who are heavily exposed to exhaust. It is particularly relevant to poor countries, where trucks, generators, and farm and factory machinery routinely belch clouds of sooty smoke and fill the air with sulfurous particulates.

June 10, 2012 Chicago IL - New Benefit Year for Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits
A new benefit year under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act begins July 1, 2012. Administered by the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), this Act provides two kinds of benefits for qualified railroaders: unemployment benefits for those who become unemployed but are ready, willing and able to work; and sickness benefits for those who are unable to work because of sickness or injury. Sickness benefits are also payable to female rail workers for periods of time when they are unable to work because of pregnancy and childbirth.

May 27, 2012 Cleveland OH - CN FILES PLAN TO MERGE WC & EJ&E
Please see the attachment concerning the Carrier's plans to merge the WC and the EJE railroads that was filed with the STB on Wednesday, May 23, 2012. I will keep you update as this progresses. John W. Reynolds, CN/WC General Chairman.

May 15, 2012 Ladysmith WI - Canadian National may reopen Wisconsin branch line-From Trains Magazine News Wire
Canadian National will likely reopen its 44-mile branch line from Ladysmith to Poskin, Wis., which has been dormant for several years. According to a CN operating bulletin taking effect May 14, the railroad is reestablishing the Barron Subdivision, connecting with the Superior Subdivision at Ladysmith. The bulletin says at present the main track is out of service west of milepost 129.0 at Ladysmith, and has a maximum speed of 10 mph. The line is part of Soo Lines original route from Minneapolis to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., which CN inherited with its 2001 purchase of Wisconsin Central. CNs Barron Subdivision was shut down shortly after the CN purchase, CN would reopen the line because of booming frac sand business. The sand is in high demand for oil and gas exploration in three major U.S. areas, including the Bakken Formation in North Dakota and Montana, and other areas in Texas and Pennsylvania. Superior Silica Sands is planning to build a new sand plant near Poskin, Wis., on the CN line. Another company, Canadian Sand and Proppant, has already broken ground for a new frac sand mine at a nearly 200-acre tract in the town of Sumner, not far from CNs tracks at Canton, Wis.

May 9, 2012 Cleveland OH - FRA issues Safety Advisory 2012-02 regarding restricted speed
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published Safety Advisory 2012-02 on April 25 to remind railroads and their employees of the importance of complying with restricted speed operating rules. BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce strongly condemned the "blame the worker" tone of the Safety Advisory. He warned BLET members to be on alert for "...increase the level of operational testing with regard to the operation of trains on main tracks at restricted speed."

May 2, 2012 Cleveland OH - Medco Health Solutions, Express Scripts announce merger
News Flash from the BLE&T--Express Scripts recently finalized its merger with Medco Health Solutions, the prescription drug provider to many BLET members. The combined company will be Express Scripts and will continue to provide pharmacy services to BLET members without changes to the plan or network.

April 23, 2012 Cleveland OH - Remember in November: An open letter from BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce
On April 16, 2012, the BLET National Division posted a News Flash article at warning our membership of the attack on our Railroad Retirement system that was included in Republican Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryans Budget Plan. Since that time, the National Division has received many calls and emails from the membership, many of them curious as to exactly where in the Ryan Budget those attacks were found. To that end, I am including in this message an exchange that I had this week with a member, in this case a member that I have known personally for over 30 years. This Brother questions BLETs facts, as was his right; unfortunately he also chose to question our motives. While our union is big enough for all opinions, it is imperative that we not get sidetracked when it comes to who is attacking working Americans, and what your National Division is doing to defend our way of life. My response sets the record straight on both accounts, and is shared for your information.

April 20, 2012 Cleveland OH - War on Workers: Ryan Budget targets railroad workers, retirees
From the BLE&T Web Site--The U.S. House of Representatives has adopted federal budget legislation sponsored by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) that would have devastating effects on the retirement security of both active and retired BLET members, as well as all railroad workers. The measure passed on March 29 by a vote of 228-191, with 10 Republicans joining all of the Democrats in voting against it. The Ryan Budget fundamentally misconstrues the relationship between Railroad Retirement and Social Security, and ignores the fact that all Railroad Retirement benefits above Social Security whether Tier 1 benefits or Tier 2 benefits are fully funded by railroad workers and their employers; none of these benefits are funded from the general treasury. Therefore, no actual budgetary savings would result from enactment of this legislation. "The Ryan Budgets claim that American taxpayers will realize a savings if our occupational disability and retirement annuities are gutted is so blatantly false," BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce said, "that even the head of the carriers lobbying group has called out Chairman Ryan on his deception, and told him not to interfere in our privately-funded industry pension." "This budget is one more example of how Republican Paul Ryan and his worker-hating allies are trying to hurt middle class Americans including the railroad workers who, with the carriers, fully fund their own pension plan," BLET Vice President & National Legislative Representative John Tolman said. "Also included are the standard targets Amtrak and its workers and high speed rail, by eliminating funding for high speed rail and limiting overtime for Amtrak workers. But the cuts aren't limited to only railroad workers."

April 16, 2012 Chicago IL - War on Workers: Funding Source Fact Sheet

I have received many calls from members stating they were allegedly shorted on their profit based incentive plan (PBIP) that they were paid in accordance with Article 23, Section 9 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. PBIP is paid on unproductive as well as regular (only OT is excluded) time. Pay elements: regular, bereavement, jury duty, military pay, personal day, holiday, investigations, and other TPNW, vacation, vacation in lieu. Wage types for which the earnings are collected, with the exception of wage type 2865-Overtime- which is excluded when report is run. Recalculate last years earnings to produce the amount of monies you were shorted the PBIP payout and submit your shortage in CATS. John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

March 26, 2012 - TCU Files EEOC Discrimination Charges Against BNSF Sick Policy
TCU has filed charges of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), challenging Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroads new policy on reporting medical events or conditions.

March 7, 2012 Cleveland OH - National Division will discontinue formally designating attorneys and instead will refer its members to the directory of the Academy of Rail Labor Attorneys (ARLA)
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmens Advisory Board has adopted revisions to the Unions program that provides assistance to BLET members injured on the job, who may be entitled to damages pursuant to the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA).

March 6, 2012 Kaukuana WI - FRA Waiver for Bifurcation of Monthly 276 and Limbo Caps
From the office of the General Chairman--Brothers: The Company will be reverting to the standard calendar month tracking for the 276 and 30 hour-limbo monthly caps for all employees during the month of March 2012, thereby bringing all employees back in line with calendar month tracking as of March 15, 2012. Since the waiver expires on March 29, 2012 CN will still have to observe the Feb 15th to March 14th cycle for employees. What this means is any employees who exceed the 276 hour cap during the Feb 15th to March 14th period will have to be removed from the working board and thereafter not allowed to return to duty until 00:01 on March 15th. As well, employees cannot be allowed to exceed 30 hours of cumulative limbo time during this same period as well. Effective 00:01 on March 15, 2012 all former employees will revert to the monthly calendar cycle and their CATS hours of service logs manually re-adjusted to reflect all time accumulated on both the 276 & limbo clocks between March 1, 2012 and March 14, 2012. Based on this re-adjustment CATS will ensure they do not exceed the 276/30 hour monthly limbo caps during the period March 1-31, 2012. A CATS Broadcast notice for all employees explaining the change and how it will be implemented will be going out soon. Let me know if you guys get any questions from your members. John W. Reynolds, CN/WC General Chairman

March 6, 2012 Cleveland OH - NTSB issues safety recommendation on restricted speed after five rear-end collisions in 2011
In the wake of five rear-end collisions in 2011, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has issued safety recommendations regarding the operation of freight trains at restricted speed. Two BLET members were killed in those accidents. According to preliminary investigations into the five accidents, the NTSB blamed crew members for going too fast and failing to operate their trains at the required restricted speed.

February 21, 2012 Kaukauna WI - Issues Involving Transport and Lodging of Away Crews at Chicago
A dispute currently exists with the Carrier regarding the proper application of the Agreement to situations where away crews at Chicago are not being properly compensated in instances where their travel time between the lodging facility and their purported on/off duty location exceeds thirty (30) minutes, crews are required to perform covered service at the lodging facility or enroute to or from the purported on/off duty point, and/or crews are not provided lodging within 30 minutes of going off duty.

February 9, 2012 Kaukauna WI - SECTION 6 NOTICE
From the General Chairman: Brothers, Our Section 6 was delivered to the Carrier today with the 1st round of meetings scheduled for Feb. 29 & March 1, 2012. I will keep you advised as the meetings progress. John W. Reynolds, CN/WC General Chairman

BLET President Dennis R. Pierce has written a letter to Presient Obama about "The F.R.A. Reform and Modernization Act" as it is currently written.

January 25, 2012 Toronto ON - CN suspends Hunter Harrisons pension payments
Canadian National Railway Co. has suspended Hunter Harrisons pension payments, alleging that the former chief executive officer has breached provisions of his retirement deal and poses a serious threat to CN if he joins rival Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.

January 11, 2012 Cleveland OH - Update from BLET Tax Compliance Department
From the BLE&T Web Site--I. R. S. regulations require the BLET National Division to inform its members that a certain portion of your National Division dues are not tax deductible as a miscellaneous itemized deduction on your personal tax returns. According to the National Secretary-Treasurers office, the portion of the National Division dues that is not subject to deduction as an Itemized Deduction on a Form 1040 tax return is 13.56 percent for 2011. In other words, 86.44 percent of your BLET National Division dues are tax deductible. The 13.56 percent reflects expenses associated with political lobbying efforts by the BLET, which are not tax deductible.

January 3, 2012 Toronto ON - Former CN head tapped as possible CP boss
Hunter Harrison, the former head of Canadian National Railway Co., has been approached as a possible candidate to take over the helm of his former rival, Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. and he is apparently receptive to the move, sources familiar with the plan have confirmed.

December 13, 2011 Kaukauna WI - How Corporations Pay More for Lobbyists Than in Taxes
Here is another episode of the tail wagging the dog or in other words the 1% vs the 99%. Please pour yourself another cup of java and sit back and read the attachment concerning the top 30 companies lobbying Washington versus what they actually pay in taxes. It is astonishing and makes for a very compelling argument as to who is actually running the country. Couple that with the recent changes to the political donations scams and you have a recipe for a national disaster (or more of a one) when it comes to the middle class. Finally, this one article provides even more insight as to why we are now entertaining the tentative agreement and healthcare changes and why organized labor, in general, is constantly fighting an uphill battle.

December 13, 2011 Cleveland OH - Federal Motor Safety Commission Bans the use of cell phones while operating a commercial vehicle
Final rule making by the FMCSA prohibits use of a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle (unless its hands free).

December 1, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Issues Involving Transport and Lodging of Away Crews at Chicago
The General Chairman has released a letter to the Carrier concerning the proper application of the Agreement to situations where away crews at Chicago are not being properly compensated for travel time between the lodging facility and their purported on/off duty locations.

December 1, 2011 Fort Worth TX - Nationwide strike by the BLET is averted
By Dennis R. Pierce BLET National President--Exactly two weeks ago an excerpt from my Presidents Message in the Oct/Nov. issue of the Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen News was published on this website. I told you that the issuance of PEB 243s report and recommendations had placed both the BLET and the Carriers at the point where either they had to reach a voluntary settlement or allow a third party to set our wages and working conditions.

Brothers, Attached please find Arbitrator Rinaldos Award imposing an Implementing Agreement in connection with the coordination of the WC, DMIR and DWP properties. We will be scheduling meetings to explain the award, with meetings beginning next week in Superior and St. Point. Fraternally, John Reynolds

November 30, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Here are the finalized LMRC notes from our meeting held in November
The final notes from the Labor-Management Resolution Committee notes have been completed. John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

November 30, 2011 Pittsburg KS - Wisconsin & Southern short line to sell controlling ownership to Watco
From the BLE&T Web SiteWatco Transportation Services, L.L.C. (Watco) and The Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Co. (WSOR) announced today that they have mutually approved an agreement whereby Watco will acquire controlling ownership of the WSOR. The WSOR will join forces with Watco, who operates a family of short line and regional railroads across the nation and offers a multi-faceted transportation business model dedicated to providing the highest level of Customer satisfaction.

November 29, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Results of the claims conference that was held in Kaukauna, WI on November 8, 2011.
From the General Chairman--Here are the results from the claims conference held with the carrier at the GCA office on November 8th. Paid claims will be paid on December 16th. John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

November 7, 2011 Cleveland OH - PEB 243 report leaves much unfinished business
Presidential Emergency Board No. 243 has issued its Report to President Obama and its recommendations for settlement of the national wage/rules/benefits dispute between 11 unions, including the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), and most of the nations Class I railroads. In some ways the PEB recommended adoption of some of the Carriers arguments that the United Transportation Union (UTU) settlement be followed but in other ways it modified those terms to give the employees represented by the other unions a more generous settlement.
In its presentation to the Board, the Carriers argued that the UTU settlement was a pattern that should be adopted lock, stock and barrel. The PEB did not agree and its recommendation does not strictly follow the Carriers demands. For example, the general wage increases proposed by the Board are greater than those found in the UTU agreement. In addition, the Board has recommended a lump sum signing bonus for all employees covered by the agreement, while the UTU agreement only pays lump sums to employees working under the entry rate progression that UTU had previously agreed to.

October 22, 2011 Kaukauna WI - NEW YORK DOCK SECTION 4 UPDATE
Dear Sirs and Brothers, The purpose of this letter is to update you on the status of the negotiations that have been ongoing in an attempt to make an Implementing Agreement pursuant to the New York Dock Protective Conditions in response to the notice dated May 18, 2011 CN served to coordinate the WC, DMIR and DWP properties.
The Parties (BLET, UTU and CN) met in person June 21 and 22, 2011 in Duluth, MN; July 13 and 14, 2011 in Minneapolis, MN; and August 24 and 25, 2011 in Green Bay, WI. Additionally, the Parties conducted conference calls on September 30th and October 7th, 14th and 20th, 2011. To date, no Implementing Agreement has been reached.
At the conclusion of the meeting held on July 14, 2011, the Carrier announced its intention to seek arbitration pursuant to Section 4 (a) of the Conditions, which provides that: "If at the end of thirty (30) days there is a failure to agree, either party to the dispute may submit it for adjustment…" The Carrier thereafter sought a strike list from the National Mediation Board and as a result of that process, Arbitrator Thomas Rinaldo was selected. The Parties will appear before Arbitrator Rinaldo in Albany, NY on October 27, 2011 to present our arguments. I will represent the GCA and be assisted by our assigned National VP, Marcus Ruef. Arbitrator Rinaldo will issue an Award in connection with this matter in due course, and we will keep you up to date on future developments as they occur.
Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman CN/WC, BLET

October 6, 2011 Cleveland OH - A LETTER FROM BROTHER DENNIS PIERCE, PRESIDENT OF THE BLET, Subject: Executive Order Establishing a PEB
We just received the Executive Order, signed and released by President Obama, appointing a Presidential Emergency Board to hear our dispute over our National Negotiations. It is attached. Please pass this information to your Division Strike Committees, this email will also be circulated by the Mobilization Network.
Effective immediately, both the Carriers and the Unions are barred from exercising any form of self help. Accordingly, the BLET National Division will not be issuing any strike orders tonight. To reiterate, all locomotive engineers and involved trainmen should continue to work their assignments in normal fashion, there will be no strike at 12:01 am.
In closing, I know that you were all prepared to assist the National Division in leading our members in a job action had it been necessary and legal. Please remember that the attached Executive Order effectively bars us from any form of self help until December 7, 2011. During the next 60 days, it is imperative that we continue our effort to strengthen our networks and remain vigilant to the fact that we may face circumstances similar to todays on December 7th. I speak for all of us here at the National Division in passing on our thanks for everyones continued support in our efforts to bring this bargaining round to a successful conclusion.
Fraternally, Dennis R. Pierce

September 23, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Claims Listed for Arbitration:
The following claims were filed for Arbitration to be heard by the First Division on March 15, 2011. The National Mediation Board ordered the BLET and the Carrier to try and resolve the claims through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). At this time we have had one ADR meeting in Washington, DC with mediator Pat Sims.
John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

from the General Chairman: John W. Reynolds has issued for posting two letters. The first one is a letter for claims to the National Railroad Adjustment Board--First Division. To view this letter in PDF, please (CLICK HERE)
The second letter for posting is a protest concerning engineers being forced to allow student engineers to run the train. Please (CLICK HERE) to view this letter in PDF format.

September 8, 2011 Cleveland OH - NMB proffers arbitration in national contract dispute
On Friday September 2, 2011, the National Mediation Board (NMB) urged the unions comprising the Rail Labor Bargaining Coalition (RLBC) and the carriers represented by the National Carriers Conference Committee to submit their unresolved national contract dispute to binding arbitration pursuant to Section 5, First and Section 7 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended (RLA). The proffer of arbitration is a mandatory step in the RLA bargaining process. If either party to the negotiations declines to accept the proffer, the NMB will then notify the parties that its mediatory efforts have failed and will release them from mediation. By letter dated September 2, 2011, all unions comprising the RLBC notified the NMB that the RLBC was rejecting the proffer of arbitration. This rejection will release the parties from mediation and will also trigger a final 30-day cooling off period, after which the parties will legally be entitled to exercise self help.

August 24, 2011 Fond du lac WI - A Message From Paul Aird, 1st Vice Chairman/Director of Political Communications
What really is the result of what has happened here in Wisconsin?

August 29, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Here is an update on our recent Section 4 meeting held in Green Bay, August 24 & 25.
from the General Chairman--This letter is to follow-up on our recent New York Dock Sec.4 meetings with the Carrier that were held on August 24th & 25th in Green Bay, WI. In attendance at this meeting were General Chairmen Keith Stauber and Ricky Clark representing the DMIR GCAs, UTU-E General Chairman John Wentzlaff and First Vice Chairman Steve Moerke representing the DWP UTU-E GCA. BLE National Vice Presidents Marcus Ruef representing the BLET National Division. First Vice Chairman Eric Hau, Second Vice Chairman Scott Reinke and myself representing the WC GCA. We offered a proposal to the Carrier hoping to achieve a voluntary agreement to both satisfy the Carriers New York Dock Section 4 Notice. As stated in earlier messages to you, if we cannot reach a voluntary agreement regarding the Section 4 Notice, the Carrier intends to invoke Arbitration pursuant to New York Dock. If this happens, an Arbitrator will impose an Implementing Agreement upon us. The Carrier intends to meet with the three GCAs on September 7th & 8th in Superior, Wisconsin in hopes of moving all employees under a single contract. The Carrier has also indicated, and you may hear through other channels, that they intend to file for arbitration shortly so that the arbitration process will be in place should the Parties fail to reach a voluntary settlement. This should not be interpreted as a sign that a voluntary settlement cannot be reached short of arbitration.
I will keep you up-dated on the Section 4 meetings as they continue. Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman.

July 24, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Here are the finalized LMRC notes from our meeting held in April
The final notes from the Labor-Management Resolution Committee notes have been completed and are available. John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

From the Hoey & Farina's e-mail Newsletter for Railroaders: The U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, issued an order on July 15, 2011, in a "Whistleblower" complaint filed by a Wisconsin Central (CN) Railroad Conductor pursuant to Section 49 U.S.C. 20109 of the Federal Rail Safety Act. The Conductor reported an on the job injury, as required by railroad rules, on January 30, 2010 which under the statute is a protected activity. The following day the railroad issued a notice ordering the Conductor to attend a Formal Investigation to ascertain his responsibility for sustaining a personal injury and to ascertain if he violated any railroad rules.

July 19, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Here is an update on our recent Section 4 meeting held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on July 13 & 14.
This letter is to follow-up on our recent New York Dock Section 4 meetings with the Carrier that were held on July 13th & 14th in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In attendance at this meeting were General Chairmen Keith Stauber and Ricky Clark representing the DMIR GCAs, UTU-E General Chairman John Wentzlaff and First Vice Chairman Steve Moerke representing the DWP UTU-E GCA, BLET National Vice Presidents Marcus Ruef and Michael Twombly representing the BLET National Division, First Vice Chairman Eric Hau, Second Vice Chairman Scott Reinke and myself representing the WC GCA.
We exchanged proposals with the Carrier hoping to achieve a voluntary agreement to both satisfy the Carriers New York Dock Section 4 Notice and also enhance the BLET/WCL Agreement. As stated in earlier messages to you, if we cannot reach a voluntary agreement regarding the Section 4 Notice, the Carrier intends to invoke Arbitration pursuant to New York Dock. If this happens, an Arbitrator will impose an Implementing Agreement upon us.
The Carrier intends to meet with the three GCAs on August 24th & 25th in Green Bay, Wisconsin in hopes of moving all employees under a single contract. The Carrier has also indicated, and you may hear through other channels, that they intend to file for arbitration shortly so that the arbitration process will be in place should the Parties fail to reach a voluntary settlement. This should not be interpreted as a sign that a voluntary settlement cannot be reached short of arbitration. I will keep you up-dated on the Section 4 meetings as they continue.
Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman

This letter is to up-date you on the current Section 4 meetings we are involved in with Carrier. As you all know by now the Carrier filed paperwork with the U.S. Surface Transportation Board to merge the Wisconsin Central, the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway and the Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railway as one operating railroad. The merger was approved by the U.S. Surface Transportation Board just last month.
What this means is the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway and the Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railway will officially be absorbed by the Wisconsin Central Railway. The DMIR and DWP will cease to exist as separate corporations, and all operations would be as the Wisconsin Central. The three railways are now negotiating with the Carrier in hopes of moving all employees under a single contract. CN hopes to have the deal done by the end of the year. We have had one round of meetings, which were held in Superior, WI on June 21st & June 22nd. The next scheduled to be held in Minneapolis, MN on July 13th & 14th.
I will keep you up-dated on the Section 4 meetings as they continue. Fraternally, John W. Reynolds, General Chairman.

From the Hoey & Farina's e-mail Newsletter for Railroaders--On June 23, 2011, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its decision in the case of CSX Transportation, Inc. v. Robert McBride. The decision reaffirms the established causation jury instruction under the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA). For over 50 years, virtually every court in the United States followed the language of the law contained in the FELA as written by the U.S. Congress when instructing juries on the standard of causation that applied to. The CSX railroad argued that this was an incorrect standard of causation ('proof') - and appealed. CSX lost its appeal, then asked the Supreme Court of the United States to review the decision.

April 26, 2011 Ashland WI - Massive taconite plant proposed near Canadian National line
From the News Wire Trains Mag.--A major mining company has proposed an 8-million-ton-per-year mine and processing plant for iron ore near Canadian Nationals Ashland Subdivision, the Duluth (Minn.) News-Tribune has reported. If opened, Cline Groups Gogebic Taconite plant would be the first ore operation on the Gogebic Iron Range since the 1960s. At full planned production, the plant would produce enough ore to fill approximately two 12,000-ton unit trains of ore per day. Like ore from other plants near the Great Lakes, it would ship by rail to an ore dock, then be transferred to lakeboats. Cline is also looking at production of iron nuggets, a more refined, higher-grade ore that can be used in electric arc furnaces.

March 7, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Out-of-Cycle Engineers
From the office of the General Chairman: As we all know we have been having a problem with the Carrier concerning Out-of-Cycle Engineers. We have been meeting with the Carrier to try and resolve the problem. We are making progress but still have a ways to go. Attached with this email is a letter for the membership explaining where we are at with the Carrier regarding this issue

March 7, 2011 Kaukauna WI - Grievance Claims Submitted in Cats
From the office of the General Chairman: Attached with this notice is a letter to the membership explaining when they submit a grievance claim in CATS they need to include the Article number of the CBA with the violation.

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